Sunday 24 January 2016

Classes and stuff

So one week of classes have passed and it's currently a Saturday. Although I had Monday off because of a public holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), but the week still seemed long and busy. It was tough getting through the few days. I planned my classes a little later than last semester, typically they start at 10am, some days at 12pm compared to last semester which all my classes starts at 8am. I feel like I'll have more of a breather with a schedule like this.
Let's start with something, so I got into all the classes that I wanted. I'm taking around 5 subjects this semester, although it sounds like a lot and it probably is. I feel that I would be able to handle it, well with the Computer Science subjects and how hard it is for a first class, I hope I would be able to get through it safely. I am actually aiming for As for all my classes, I don't know if I can do it or not. But you know what they say, you gotta have a goal first if you want to succeed. So let's hope it works.
The reason that I'm typing in English is actually because I want to start practicing, I'm currently in a subject called English Composition and although my English isn't that bad but I still want to practice it as much as I can and hopefully skip all the errors and mistakes. Maybe not skipping them but more of a getting better and kind of thing. I just want to start typing in English and get better at my composition and essay writing.
Okay, so let's get on with the rest of my week. It was pretty cool and busy, I had to buy new books which are expensive as hell. I still need to buy like 2 more books (oh god why). The plaza of my university isn't as crowded as I thought it would be actually, it was actually pretty chill and there were like no booths there. A little bit different from my first semester but oh well. Hmm let's see what else, I was able to get into a a service for the university which is called Ramride. So basically there's like three positions, driver, navigator and dispatcher. I was working as a navigator that night at oh my I did not expect it would get till so late. I worked till around 3am and got back to my apartment around 3.30a.m. It was a rough night and the next morning I had a 10a.m. class all the way to 3p.m. which is tiring. But I survived, luckily thanks to my ability to sustain for long hours. haha.
Yeah, so I just came back from an early Chinese New Year celebration. I had a pretty fun time and it was really lucky to be able to eat all kinds of foods, like dumplings, barbecue pork and other forms of pork; it was really delicious. We had all kinds of talent shows and while it was embarrassing, I felt that I got close to some friends.

Okay, I guess that's all for today. My fingers are getting tired; nah I'm just kidding, I just ran out of things to say. Alright, I'll post again another time! Have an awesome rest of the weekend guys!


  1. ahh~~幸好我会看英文~有时看了你用英文写的心情故事后,发现原来英文也可以用很simple的生字来写很长的文章~我不能再害怕学英文了><


    1. 对啊!英文其实可以很简单的,只要多练习还有多讲就可以把它发挥自由了! ^_^ 哈哈,我这里没有新年假期 T_T 你享受吧~

    2. 好,希望可以表达到想讲的内容就好~:D

    3. 哈哈对~没有哦,我这里有课~ 所以不可以回去。

