Thursday 3 May 2012

A kinda happy night =)

Wow, I'm feeling so damn emotional tonight ><
First, special thanks to Nithya!
Thank you for advising me to text her!
I wouldn't have done it without you telling me hehe
I'm really happy the moment she replied to my sms ^^
Can you feel it?
My happiness.
Its like over flowing xD
And yet i feel so sad.
So regret.
So sorry.
Sorry Ashley.
I've gone through about all the videos you've made for me just now.
And i found that.
I might still have a little more feelings for you..
Sorryyy =(
It's my fault i guess, not smart enough, not hard working enough to deserve you love.
I think this is what i should get.
I was being so immature.
I know.
I always knew that i was immature, i'm a playboy and i can't really forgive myself.
I can still remember the times, when you stayed up late just to see me.
I'm such a loser.
Well, what's done, is done.
Maybe we're just not meant to be together.
Like i always believed, 勉强没有幸福.
It sorta means, there will be no happiness if you were to force that person to have a relationship with you.
Haha! Maybe I've been A litttleeee bit emo here hehe


Why does it looks like i've said alot of big proverbs LOL
Haha, Just for your information.
I had a crush on someone and it is still now the same person :)
