Thursday, 28 May 2015



     所以我现在做了决定,以后一定要活到老,玩到老 XD 我可没那么努力。我蛮后悔怎么当初没有提早一点跟我小学朋友玩像maplestory的游戏。等我刚开始,他们已经停止了。哈哈,但是这种后悔也不算很严重~ 希望能找到一些人陪我玩,自己玩真的会很闷。

    其实我现在还在做工,呵呵。就写到这儿了~ :)

Sunday, 10 May 2015





可是我就是这样的人,一直都会在想,我说了这句话过后,会有什么后果吗? 他们会对我有不同的看法吗?会开始远离我吗?  有个人跟我说过,要敢敢的把要说的话说出来,“我想听你说出你心里的话。” 想知道我到底在想什么。


我很明白,我们应该活得自在,不该去理会世人说的话,想的事。可是这些不是普通的人,而是我在意的。 (有种感觉我好像在重复)



Friday, 23 January 2015

The 100 :D

I've been watching this American TV Series since last year around December. I've never actually watched a whole lot of American Drama but to my surprise it was very enjoyable. I thoroughly enjoyed the drama and thought that it was a very nice show to watch. Let me give ya'll some good old reviews about this series. I recommend this drama to anyone who enjoys something survival, action, sci-fi ( a little ) and just people mutating into another form of "people". So the story starts with the Earth being a nuclear warfare zone and deemed dangerous for humans to live. So they all moved to the space from all different countries. Soon they joined up together and then formed the "Ark". The Ark holds only very little people and is in a dire state because of the lack of oxygen. They then send down convicted juveniles known as the 100 on the Earth to see if it was safe to live in. But the communications from the Earth to the Ark was destroyed during landing so the only way they could survive is to depend on themselves. However, they were not alone.

I guess that much is enough for a teaser. Hahaha.

Until next time! XD

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


很快的,2014年就这样过去了。现在都已經是一月十四日了。本来是想新年来个新的贴但是一直都忘了。2014年过的超快的,可能是因为比较享受吧所以一下子就过完了。可是也让我领悟了很多事。喜欢动漫的我依然喜欢着动漫,不喜欢动漫的Ta也依然不喜欢着。感觉上好像很颓废。不要紧。。多几天就可以工作了然后一定要跟Ta去旅行!! 一定!! :)


2015 :)

Hey. It's 2015 people haha. I guess I totally forgot about this other blog that I had :O
No worries right? I mean no one's reading it XD
I just like to write my feelings out. I don't know why.
When I feel sad, feel happy, feel angry I hope I have someone to talk to. Please, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I don't have someone to talk to, I have a wonderful girlfriend whose always caring and loving. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve the amount of love that she's pouring into me because I'm not giving back enough of it. I don't know what to do most of the times that it just leaves me thinking about what I should do.
I'm starting to get a little off topic here maybe.
Who cares? I'm just writing what I want to write.
You know, my father told me that I'm not putting enough heart into the family because i'm just paying all my attention to my girlfriend. When he said that, of course I did deny because I put the same amount of effort in both. But surely, if he said it out, it must be because he felt that way.
Yeah, I have to pay more attention to the family now right.

I don't know why but everytime I write in the blog. It'll be something sad or angry.

Okay so I checked out my first few posts in 2009 and 2010. Oh my god. To my surprise, my English is horrendous, the grammar and tenses are wrong but the writing style sure is the same x)
It actually took me awhile to find this blog lol. Luckily I still remembered the email that was bounded by it.

Okay. My motivation stops here XD
No more stuffs to write. TIME FOR REVISION PEEPO!
