Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Covid-19 Situation and stuff

I guess I broke my resolution right off the bat ehh. I wanted to post last month but couldn't really find any topic of things to talk about! Feels like I'm finding more excuses for this but I'm not T_T

I hope everyone is still doing well despite the situation that we're facing at the moment. Please stay home and don't go out on a whim! Malaysia's in a weird situation right now, I feel like we're doing the right thing for keeping us quarantined but they really could've done this a lot sooner. Well, it could be worse I guess. Now is the start of the third week of quarantine in Malaysia and we still have at the least 2 weeks and at most one or two months of quarantine ahead of us.
So what have I been up to these two weeks? On paper, I'm supposed to be "Working from home" but I think we all know how working from home really is suppose to be like. Yeah, mostly sleeping late and just slacking at home. People have been saying to like find hobbies and learn new skills during this time of crisis but what I've done is basically finding new Anime or old ones that I liked heh. Maybe I'll put up some recommendations here if I find something interesting.

There's been like a ton of conspiracy theories going around speculating where this pandemic started or originated. The majority thinks that it came from China because someone ate a bat and it's a carrier that contains an influenza virus. Other theories were about how the USA implanted the virus in Wuhan and flew out of there with the intention of dealing huge economical damage to China. BUT this is all just conspiracy, it's just some fun to have haha!

You see what I mean by not having many topics to talk about? I'm basically just forcing myself to say something or anything at this point. Another thing that I've been doing just right before the quarantine was creating a Japanese-pop-rock playlist in Spotify. I used to just download them from the internet but that's not a very smart thing to do nowadays when everything I want is on Spotify. So please recommend me your favourite Japanese songs!

At the moment, I'm rewatching this old anime that I really like called Kemono no Souja Erin. I'm almost finishing and I'm definitely recommending this if you guys are looking for something to watch, this has like 40+ episodes so it's very satisfying. I think I'll write about it in a more detailed review when I finish this like tomorrow haha.

Well, until next time!


  1. 我的work from home是打卡后就继续睡觉,慢慢吃早餐后才一边上网一边看email哈哈哈~基本上很多东西在家都处理不到,只能等回到公司才能继续做~
    说到动漫,我最近看完了《魔术快斗1412》,很搞笑又帅气的动漫,你有看过吗?随便说一下,我现在很喜欢听的歌是这部动漫的op 《Ai no Scenario》~XDDD


    1. 哈哈哈!跟我一样啊~ 我在家完全做不到工,有很多东西pending还没做 :(
      哦哦那个Kaito Kid的对吗? 好像是柯南的作者画的?那个我看了!对很搞笑也很久没看了,觉得可以在重看哈哈哈
      这首《Ai No Scenario》很不错额! 还有你之前推荐《Violet Evergarden》里面的歌都很好听。如果你有时间可以去听听这两首,《Kawaki wo Ameku》Minami 唱的这首其实应该蛮出名的《Domestic na Kanojo》里面的歌。
      《Hated By Life Itself》Mafumafu 版本。再贴个链接给你哈哈 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq8r1ZTma08

      这两首其实还蛮伤感的,所以如果心情不好还是不要听吧,但是如果像我犯贱的话可以去听听呵呵 >< 跟我说说看你喜欢听吗哈哈~


    2. 我今天才回去公司做完urgent的东西~╮(╯w╰)╭
      对吧XD,Violet Evergarden OST的曲风很接近古典音乐,很柔和所以每次听都很治愈~

      我知道Mafumafu!XD 不过是第一次听这两首歌,真的蛮悲伤的歌,特别是《Hated By Life Itself》,无论是看着歌词听或是只听旋律,真的很揪心~这首歌同时让我感觉想起另一首歌我听过的《Lost one的號哭》(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqSbCY6f_18)这类歌我很久才听一次,不过另一首《Kawaki wo Ameku》还不错~

      真的很冷门,我还没看过其他人介绍~我这几天刚好在重温steins;gate,看了steins;gate 0就看这部哈哈!

    3. 哦!原来你也知道哦~ 我是前几个月才发现他的 他的声音太特别了更本就是个女的哈哈! 那个是kagamine rin的歌对吧,这首我没听过但是我还蛮喜欢这类型的呵呵

      也不是啦~ 就觉得心情好和不好都可以听但是心情不好的时候听就会特别的伤感 XD
      啊原来你在看Steins gate!好那你看完先~ 我也想在重温了(虽然应该看了有三次,剧情都知道了)XD

    4. 因为我有听vocaloid song,所以知道一些比较出名cover song的歌手~Mafumafu给我的感觉是正太的声线!这是另一首honeyworks的歌,(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huWF1MIOZIY)有听过这首歌吗?Mafumafu是cover黑色头发的角色XDDD


    5. 哈哈其实我几年前非常迷这些vocoloid的翻唱歌手例如《少年-T》 还有niconico douga 的歌手们。。不知道这几年又没有听他们的歌了然后前几个月又在找回那种感觉

      那首《Lost one的號哭》,越听越好听。

      明亮的歌曲哦~ 有这首算是我最喜欢的你应该听过哈哈Kagamine Rin的《I like you, I love you》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebAKoRcYFTA 第一次听就觉得这首歌超可爱的哈哈哈 虽然是唱不到但是听就会觉得莫名的开心哈哈 还有这首《Triple Baka》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duPJqfKiA78 十年了还是那么有feel 这两首比较无厘头哈哈

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    7. 你也有听过Shounen T啊!中学刚听日语歌时就十分关注他了,起初并不知道他的样子,就只是很单纯喜欢听他唱歌~少年T最近很少更新,他的后辈反而比较活跃,像是《天月》越来越有名了~

      这首歌我很常在别人玩Mai mai的时候听的~节奏感很强,很容易一直在脑海里loop歌~XDDD

      这两首我竟然没有听过!!真的是超可爱的!谢谢你的分享~ ^_^
      那我也分享一首我觉得超可爱很童真的初音的歌吧 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bphS6_wayug

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