Wednesday, 1 January 2020

New Year New Bullshit

First and foremost, I want to say sorry to myself, for not keeping to my promises last month by saying that I'll post more frequent. I really wanted to write up a post like one or two days prior (around 30th or 31st), I want to say I had no time for it, but I know that it's a lie and that I'm just too lazy to write it out. Well, I'm not one to stay in the past and dwell on them but as they say, it's all a learning experience and I really hope that I overcome my greatest enemy in all my life, Laziness.

Now that I got all that out of the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY NEW DECADE! 

It is now the year 2020 and the first day of the third decade that I am a part of. I'm excited to start this new year with a whole lot of new prospects and resolutions that I had for myself. However, before we get to all that, I want to review my year, just like a lot of Youtubers are doing nowadays. Year. Review. 
To be completely honest, this year is probably the most and the least impactful year of my life. On one hand, I just (graduated) from university and got a job, so that I can finally start supporting and giving to my family, well, not that they needed it but it's just that I feel like I can finally feel like I'm providing and actually giving something to my family. 
On the other hand, I have achieved literally nothing; I have failed to graduate from the university, earning me 0 degrees, even after spending a humongous amount of money and time. I got the fattest that I have seen myself get in all these years. I've also seen myself becoming despicable, gullible, and downright disgusting. I think that I'm very easily tricked, not to give myself pity or something but like it's so easy to be tricked and sweet-talked into doing things that I originally don't want to do. Well, I'll leave that story to another time. 

Now that I'm done with all the self-deprecating experiences, I think we can move into the more important things right? Moving into the new year, I'd like myself to achieve a few things. I read somewhere that the trick to achieving your New Year resolutions is to make realistically achievable goals and to write them down as specific as possible. Not something like exercising every day but more like doing 30 sit-ups every day. With that said, I'll list down a few of my realistically achievable resolutions that I want to keep going this year.
I hope that I'll have a goal for this year, continue going to the gym for a year, write on my blog at least once a month, record down all my daily expenses no matter if it's big or small, only eat oily or fried foods once a week and lastly; I want to be a little more mature and reach out to more people that might need help. Yeah, the last one is a little vague but it's the best I can do haha.

That's all my resolutions for this year and I don't want to list down too much because I might not be able to finish them. Well, that's all for tonight and I hope that everyone I know will have a great year ahead. 
Cheers everyone.



  1. 新年快乐!

    我认同设定比较具体的目标,年尾也比较容易统计有没有达成。我还有看过一种比较简单实行target方式。打个例子每天做sit up,我们要的效果是坚持每天做,所以我们可以把target降低,每天只做五次,虽然超级简单,但大脑会觉得很容易hit target就不会那么懒惰。当开始做sit up的时候如果还没累,会觉得好像还可以再继续做,就会无形中超出target~就算有时候真的很不想做,也只是做五次,也不会觉得没有完成任务。可以考虑考虑这个方法XD

    1. 新年快乐!
      哦哦! 妳的这个方式好像真的比较有效。之前我会让自己一天做二十个但是过了几天就会给自己借口。说今天很忙,明天做40个吧,接着接着就完全没做了。。 很好的方案哈哈!

    2. 天啊,一天没做,第二天做双倍很恐怖哦,想到要完成都觉得很累OAO

