Thursday, 30 April 2020

Addiction Or Just Enjoying My Passion?

Maplestory. The little 2D mushroom game that forces you to grind and level for hours on end just for the fun of it. Who here still remembers that game? I sure do because I'm still playing it till this day.. I think it was around 13 or 14 years old that I started playing this game because this was also when I first got in contact with a PC. I've been hearing about this game from when I was 11 years old and believe me I've been dying to play it because a lot of my classmates did. But the world isn't so easy as to let you do what you want so I had to wait till I get to secondary school to start my journey but it was unfortunate because at this time, I've lost contact to most of my primary friends and they've already moved on from this game. Which was a shame because this game focuses a lot on being able to socialize with your friends and guilds.

So I started playing MaplestorySea by myself and surprisingly I got really into it. Because other than Maplestory, I only had Battlerealms and warcraft3 on my PC and honestly those two were one of the best games that I've ever played even though I was really bad in both of them haha. I got hooked to it and would play this game for hours on end. I even spent a lot of money to buy the currency in the game (@cash) I think I spent like a total of RM500 during those days. I vaguely remembered that I played it for 2 years before stopping right after the big bang update. That was when the population in the game started to dwindle down really fast mostly because the people that were playing the game started to grow up and gave up on it, and also because the content from it was reducing. 

My maximum level at that time was around 80
I actually never really quit the game. The funny thing was, after like a year or two from quitting the game, my drum instructor, yeah I was learning to play the drums a while back and although I got good at it, I kinda stopped playing it. Anyways, he's this really chill guy that would sit on his desk to play games while he thought me how to play the drums, two people can't really sit in front of the drumset together now, right? So I would take a peek at what games he was playing because well I'm a gamer and I can't really resist that when I was young. You wouldn't believe the feelings that I had when he was playing Maplestory on his laptop but the funny thing is, he was levelling way too fast like all the way from level1~level200 in a minute so I was really curious and asked him about it. He told me that this was a private server and the server name was called AncientStory, it's hard for me to forget about that. That was when I was first exposed to the world of Private Servers.

To be honest, AncientStory was one of the more mainstream servers that boasts some of the more typical rates e.g. 1000x exp, 2000x Mesos and 500x drop. These servers were commonly called high rate servers and they typically included rebirths because it wouldn't really make sense if you could level to level 200 in like a minute and just to quit the game right? There would be no progression. The goal of this game, like any RPG games, is to grind and get better gear, kill bosses and then get the most amount of damage as you can while you dress your character up to your hearts' content. So if you get to the max level in like 10 minutes, there's really no point in playing the game. At first, high rated private servers might be really fun for you but they gradually get boring and at the end, you'll just quit playing it. Just like I did with this server. But this was just the start.

After quitting my first ever private server, I got interested in them and started searching for more private servers to play in, surprisingly there were a lot of them on the internet and it can be easy to find. I got hooked into another server called AuraSea which was a private server for the MaplestorySea that I was playing from the start. That just means that more South East Asian players will be playing and mostly these are players from SG or MY. I actually don't have many memories of playing this server other than fishing all the time.
Since then, I started playing in this server and I really enjoyed my time there but one thing that all private servers have in common is that they have a risk of being shut down because of legal reasons. If the owners of these servers are really bad at hiding his tracks or fked up really badly, the server would get a lawsuit and ultimately cause the server to shut down. It has been this way for a long time now, I switched from AuraSea to ExtaliaMS and in between, I switched to multiple servers just for fun but Extalia struck out as the one that was superior to the others. However, good things don't last long and in around 1-2 years, the server got shut down too.

But you guys know that wouldn't stop me from playing new servers, and that led me to AriesMS currently. I can't really deny that I'm addicted to the game, there's something about the characters and the allure of being able to hit millions and billions of damage just sucks me into it. I mean, I can quit if I need to because after all this time, I'm still playing alone by myself. Sometimes there's no motivation to play but sometimes, after watching a few youtube videos, you're just forced to re-install the game and before you know it, you're suckered back into Maplestory.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Covid-19 Situation and stuff

I guess I broke my resolution right off the bat ehh. I wanted to post last month but couldn't really find any topic of things to talk about! Feels like I'm finding more excuses for this but I'm not T_T

I hope everyone is still doing well despite the situation that we're facing at the moment. Please stay home and don't go out on a whim! Malaysia's in a weird situation right now, I feel like we're doing the right thing for keeping us quarantined but they really could've done this a lot sooner. Well, it could be worse I guess. Now is the start of the third week of quarantine in Malaysia and we still have at the least 2 weeks and at most one or two months of quarantine ahead of us.
So what have I been up to these two weeks? On paper, I'm supposed to be "Working from home" but I think we all know how working from home really is suppose to be like. Yeah, mostly sleeping late and just slacking at home. People have been saying to like find hobbies and learn new skills during this time of crisis but what I've done is basically finding new Anime or old ones that I liked heh. Maybe I'll put up some recommendations here if I find something interesting.

There's been like a ton of conspiracy theories going around speculating where this pandemic started or originated. The majority thinks that it came from China because someone ate a bat and it's a carrier that contains an influenza virus. Other theories were about how the USA implanted the virus in Wuhan and flew out of there with the intention of dealing huge economical damage to China. BUT this is all just conspiracy, it's just some fun to have haha!

You see what I mean by not having many topics to talk about? I'm basically just forcing myself to say something or anything at this point. Another thing that I've been doing just right before the quarantine was creating a Japanese-pop-rock playlist in Spotify. I used to just download them from the internet but that's not a very smart thing to do nowadays when everything I want is on Spotify. So please recommend me your favourite Japanese songs!

At the moment, I'm rewatching this old anime that I really like called Kemono no Souja Erin. I'm almost finishing and I'm definitely recommending this if you guys are looking for something to watch, this has like 40+ episodes so it's very satisfying. I think I'll write about it in a more detailed review when I finish this like tomorrow haha.

Well, until next time!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

New Year New Bullshit

First and foremost, I want to say sorry to myself, for not keeping to my promises last month by saying that I'll post more frequent. I really wanted to write up a post like one or two days prior (around 30th or 31st), I want to say I had no time for it, but I know that it's a lie and that I'm just too lazy to write it out. Well, I'm not one to stay in the past and dwell on them but as they say, it's all a learning experience and I really hope that I overcome my greatest enemy in all my life, Laziness.

Now that I got all that out of the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY NEW DECADE! 

It is now the year 2020 and the first day of the third decade that I am a part of. I'm excited to start this new year with a whole lot of new prospects and resolutions that I had for myself. However, before we get to all that, I want to review my year, just like a lot of Youtubers are doing nowadays. Year. Review. 
To be completely honest, this year is probably the most and the least impactful year of my life. On one hand, I just (graduated) from university and got a job, so that I can finally start supporting and giving to my family, well, not that they needed it but it's just that I feel like I can finally feel like I'm providing and actually giving something to my family. 
On the other hand, I have achieved literally nothing; I have failed to graduate from the university, earning me 0 degrees, even after spending a humongous amount of money and time. I got the fattest that I have seen myself get in all these years. I've also seen myself becoming despicable, gullible, and downright disgusting. I think that I'm very easily tricked, not to give myself pity or something but like it's so easy to be tricked and sweet-talked into doing things that I originally don't want to do. Well, I'll leave that story to another time. 

Now that I'm done with all the self-deprecating experiences, I think we can move into the more important things right? Moving into the new year, I'd like myself to achieve a few things. I read somewhere that the trick to achieving your New Year resolutions is to make realistically achievable goals and to write them down as specific as possible. Not something like exercising every day but more like doing 30 sit-ups every day. With that said, I'll list down a few of my realistically achievable resolutions that I want to keep going this year.
I hope that I'll have a goal for this year, continue going to the gym for a year, write on my blog at least once a month, record down all my daily expenses no matter if it's big or small, only eat oily or fried foods once a week and lastly; I want to be a little more mature and reach out to more people that might need help. Yeah, the last one is a little vague but it's the best I can do haha.

That's all my resolutions for this year and I don't want to list down too much because I might not be able to finish them. Well, that's all for tonight and I hope that everyone I know will have a great year ahead. 
Cheers everyone.
