这两天去了大学举办的一个营,在山上的时候跟不少的朋友认识了,也建立了不少的记忆。刚钢三个小时前才回到家,需要搞好一些事情然后现在有了几个小时,当我开面书划过的时候看到了一些熟悉的面孔。看到很多我很多年都没有联络的朋友,他们的面孔都完全变了,不像是我曾经认识的ta们。又让我想起,以后还有机会再见面吗? 可能见面的时候已经不知都要说什么了。可能人生就是如此吧,就如天下没有不散的筵席。不知不觉在听着周杰伦的“夜曲”觉得很感触。好啦,不可以再说这些了。
前两天刚刚把这个学期的课读完了,但是过两个星期就要开始秋季的学期了。虽然我是蛮期待接下来的学期啦,但是给我多一点时间休息嘛 >< 看来我要开始追动漫了,动漫还是唯一一个我不会厌倦的爱好,希望我以后当人爸爸的时候我还是喜欢看动漫吧。哈哈哈,机率很低呢!
好了,今天就到这了。 :)
When you don't know what you should do, just think about what you don't want to do. Yeah. That's just bullshit that I thought of but you thought it was pretty good right? :D
Monday, 1 August 2016
Rant: On the Receiving End
I've been wanting to write a blog for the past few months but always forgot to do so. So here goes. It's going to be almost a year since I've come here in the States and to be honest, I have some urge of coming back to Malaysia. Every time I see my friends having fun and I'm not there to join them just makes me sad and question myself, "Why am I not there."? Every time they ask me when am I coming back? - my answer to them is I don't know. I might have to stay here longer than I originally thought it would be but I never regretted my decision to be here in the first place. I'm lucky and blessed that my family is able to support me and sponsor me to study in a university, let alone coming to the states. It just makes me frustrated that I can't join my friends for all the activities that they're having and to know that that might be the last time that we will be able to gather as a whole group really saddens me because once we enter our adulthood, I can be certain that it will be a lot harder to gather up. The second part is that I know that you are sad that I'm not able to be by your side when you need me but it's almost worse for me, to be here in my room without anyone to talk to. The best thing I can do is to sleep and forget about it. It's tough for me but I have to be as though I'm fine with it and that it's all good for me. Another thing is I hate that you're using the word "duh" sometimes. Why do you think I ask some things? I like to confirm things with people and sometimes it's just plain because I don't know the answer to my question. Damn it. Fuck myself.
Now that that's out of my mind, a few more days and I'll have to move to another apartment and I have not thought of who can help me to move. I am in other words - screwed. Well I'm sure I'll figure something out.
I'm tired. That's all for today. Hope I can remember to post another one next week or so haha.
Now that that's out of my mind, a few more days and I'll have to move to another apartment and I have not thought of who can help me to move. I am in other words - screwed. Well I'm sure I'll figure something out.
I'm tired. That's all for today. Hope I can remember to post another one next week or so haha.