Hehe, I don't know should i post it on facebook or not. So at the end. I decided this. =)
Great song! xD
Reborn OP5 Last Cross [ Full ] - YouTube:
'via Blog this'
When you don't know what you should do, just think about what you don't want to do. Yeah. That's just bullshit that I thought of but you thought it was pretty good right? :D
Saturday, 31 March 2012
So fast another one xD
So, i've seen a few posts and i saw most of them having pictures
So i thought.. Why don't i post some too? hehehehhe
This few pics are quite a long time ago~
We took a few hundred pictures and i really would like to take them all over again!
In some pictures, i just look like a total retard lols
Haha~ But overall. Its fun and enjoying =)
I really enjoyed the moments we get to spend together even though its just one day.
I'm just really happy that we can be together.
Do you think we can still hang out like we did after SPM? :)
I hope so! I really hope so!
Although i don't have much friends.
I still think of all of you as my best friends!!
Friends <3

Friends? <3
Felt like posting something~
It feels good to hear music while wearing earphones than headphones!! >.<
Haha Those who have not tried it before should do it!!!
Its like you have your own world in there and then everyone outside doesn't know anything!!
So hyper now lolx
Hmmmm I feel like doing something la~
But then don't feel like watching anime coz i'm like listening to songs and it feels SOOOOOO GOOOD! XDDD
Is there anything to do while listening music??
Suggest to me please ^^
Lols Being stupid^
No one's gonna see your post la F3
Well i did say that this is something like my online diary :D
I don't have to feel ashame when i do something here coz no one's gonna comment anyway~ :D
Hmm write an article?
Lol? Article?
Diary you mean? =.=
Today ar was a tiring day TT
I slept through sejarah lol
its reaaaallyyy boring and i cant concentrate ><
Well there's chinese society but then we didn't really do much =/
Mostly also those girls like Yin Yan, Hui Hui, and those form 4 girls there
i just feel like i have to do something for the club coz you see ar
The club is currently being more and more inactive
and by inactive i mean that less people are coming by the day TT
What can I do to save them? XD
Speaking of which, i recently found out that i'm the passive type of person
Lol~~ Do you think so??
I think so lorh -.-
Hmmm i don't think hui hui will like my this type of passive de ><
I have to change!
Become a more possitive type lol
but hard lo..
Coz normally i don't talk to people but if they talk to me, i'll reply
I'm not the kind that starts conversations.
Is this my fault?
I think it is..
Coz i'm constantly relying on other people to continue.
Like i did to Ashley..
I'm sure she tried her best too.
Too entertain me hehe
but most of the reaction i can give is o.o
okay. lol.
Really, should I change my personallity?
I always think that if that person likes me, they should like everything about me
even my bad and good habits.
Is it really like that?
Recently, my way of thinking has also changed.
I think that IF you want that person to like you, you should make an effort to make yourself look presentable.
But yet again.
Is it really like that?
Hmm Now.
I think that people's point of view can be different so just do what you can and do your best in that particular something.
There may be people who disagree with me and also people who will be angry.
But like the quote says on facebook.
"What others think of you, is NONE of YOUR business" :)
Be what you want to be, and do what you want to do.
Live your life to the fullest xD
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Haha, I feel quite hyper now and feeling like watching emotional and sad anime shows xD
So... I'll go now :D Hehe XDDDDDDDD
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Hmm It feels kinda good.
You know?
The kind of feeling to like someone~
I am actually very happy that i know that she may like me
Feltt boring but feels good today
Coz i get to chat with her =)
Once again :D
I'll be going to read the english oral xD
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Today, I felt like typing in chinese. So here goes :D
这应该是我第一次用华文来表达我的心声吧 ><
可是, 我能找谁哭诉呢?
大概是讲心事吧 =)
很想大声的哭出来 =(
可是, 又有谁可以真正的哭出来呢?
Finally finished.
I think i'll come write another day.
Thanks for listening to me =)