Its been a year since I last posted my last post.
I've learned many things throughout the year..
Many things that includes, studies, friendship, relationships, and many more.
I think i suddenly think of reviving this blog is because of my girlfriend.. She had a blog herself, and I think its quite fun having an online diary xD (Maybe its because i'm lazy to write on a piece of paper?)
Well.. today will be the day i start to write a post after a year.. So, i think this blog is gonna be quite long o.o
So.. anybody misses me?? ( Lol.. are you insane? NO BODY even know you had a blog!)
I'm not that good in English.. So i dont really know if i got any grammatical mistakes.. Even if i do have gramatical mistakes.. Dont tell me Lol.. I think I wont even care O.O
Lets start talking about today.. Hmm.. normally i'll tell my girlfriend that my day was fine nothing happened and its a boring day playing computer.. And in fact.. thats kinda true, i dont really remember any details, So.. yea.. its not that i dont want to say its just that.. i cant really remember. ( Damn my short term memory lost) Well.. today.. hmm...was a fine day i guess, woke up around 9.40 ( wow thats LATE!) I know I know.. i sleep like a pig right! xD After that, i think i went to eat breakfast, then i went in my room and then start to play my computer. It feels like i've just played it for like an hour but i think i wasted my whole day playing computer games... ( Medabots, pokemon LOL Hope nobody sees this o.o) Around 2 something I went to watch TV and i watch till like 5 something OMG! When i go back to my room, i saw a message from Ashley! Ahh!! I said Helloo and she was like Oi! you're lucky! you should thank I-Tzn he called me so i have to stay inside the room. Wow.. I just feel like so unhappy at that time.. i dont know why la.. i just dont like it when she say it that way. But oh well, Better to forget and forgive ^^ Mann after like half an hour my internet suddenly D/C! Omg thats not good! i was like webcamming with her and she just froze like that.. Wah!!!! Sooo sad you know.. and i cant tell her wei.. After that my mum came back and cook for us. About 7.30 i went out to badminton but we were like findin the way and then my sister has tuition so we come back fetch her go tuition then go find again.. about 8 something we reach the badminton court. It was quite fun i can say xD After that, i went back home and showered.. when i go online, i see her online i was Very Happy (: I talked to her and we had a fun time talking to each other and while webcamming with her also. when it was time to go to sleep, i said something which i hope i didn't. She cant see me sleep, so i say, what can i do to make it up for it? and then she said yesh!! Then i ask her what, and she said guess!! i was guessing.. Either singing for her or kiss her and hugging her.. I'm not really sure.. So i said I dont know!! Please tell me!! Tips? I waited for like so long.. and then she keep looking at me.. I keep looking at her.. i thought she was doing something and didn't see me telling her.. then i realised its my internets' fault.. i really regretted saying what can i do to make it up for it? If i didn't say that, we bothwould just go to sleep.. and She wont be so sad.. OMG its all my fault.. I keep scolding myself.. YOU BITCH! she dont know then type more la! why wait for her.. And now she's sad... I dont want her to be sad.. I hope she can be Happy Everyday.. And Smile Always.. i love her smiles on that happy face, Whenever i see someone smile, it makes me happy. When a certain someone, or your friend, cries or have a sad face.. I'm sure.. you'll not be happy with it.. I miss my darling Ashley.. I hope to hug her and kiss her for a very very long time.. until we're both satisfied (:
And Thats all for today's post i guess ^^ Okay Bye now~ I'll see you tomorow night then..
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