Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Nodame Cantabile Review

Nodame Cantabile - 上网找了一下,原来华语名字叫做【交响情人梦】
最近看了这个动漫,花了两天时间吧,就把它看完了。不得不否认这套动漫还蛮动人的,一开始看的时候还有所保留但是越看就越不能停下来。我其实喜欢看爱情,音乐这类型的动漫。无意间就在Baka.bt那里看到就下载了下来~ 果然没做错选择 XD

这故事是在讲述这一个拥有很棒音乐天分的男主角在失落的期间遇见女主角~ 那个女主角也是个很厉害弹钢琴的. 就他们两个的故事发展你们就自己看吧~ 虽然自己对classical music的认识不是很多但是看了这部戏会觉得Classical也不错。很有一种软化身心疲累的那种感觉。

我会喜欢这部动漫大多是因为爱情的因素吧。那女的超可爱的,虽然是有点旧但是那个画风还不赖嘛~ 大家如果对爱情,音乐这种类似的动漫有兴趣的话,我很推荐这部。除了这部戏,如果是只是音乐的话可以考虑 K-on, AKB0048, IdolM@ster,Tari-Tari, 还有一个最近的Love Live School Project. 全部都很好看!:D


Saturday, 29 November 2014

Nothing to do~

I was thinking of writing in Chinese language actually, I really was. Unfortunately I'm using Ubuntu now and the Chinese Pin Yin is a bit haywire :O
Oh yes. Let's update on some of my stuff here. Recently (actually not recently, more like a month ago) I switched from using Windows to using Ubuntu. Ubuntu is actually not bad I would say. Maybe it's because of the graphical user interface that is available in this particular Linux Distro. I'm still a weak programmer, student that cannot only use the command line and I am really quite ashamed of that. After hearing that other kids in another country already started learning IT in a very young age; i just thought to myself, "Why didn't I learnt it when I was younger?" These 19 years was almost a total waste of my time. I only started learning the stuff that I need to know at the age of 18! What a joke.
Anyways, let me share something here that I never really dared to speak out loud to a certain person. I'm always conscious and paying very close attention to what you're saying so sometimes when you joke, I probably will think that it's a serious matter; to me, at least. There is a saying in the Chinese proverb saying "Jiang zhe wu xin, ting zhe you yi". It means that the speaker has no intention whatsoever but the listener takes it to the heart. Sometimes I'm sad; sometimes i'm disappointed; sometimes I feel like the whole world just betrayed me. But because I'm having all those emotions, it makes me realize that nothing it impossible, thinking to myself; "You've experienced something far more worse than that!", "Pull yourself together" is what I've been thinking. I really am a weak person. I live my life thinking and hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.
So let me tell you this, not every day is a bad day. Sometimes I get really excited and I don't know who I can share this excitement to. Especially when it's something about anime and stuff, I want to share to people but I just don't think I can. The only thing i can do is just release my anger, happiness and stress here in this blog. Writing everything out just feels so good. :)

I feel  like I'm getting waaaayyyyy out of topic here.
Okay so I guess that's all for tonight. This is actually a draft from two nights before. I forgot to complete it. Haha.

Good bye.
Do not simply use goodbye. Apparently it's lame. =/

Friday, 5 September 2014

Pissed Off


So here we are planning to go to Malacca for the first time. I don't really give a damn about everyone else, seriously. I just feel happy that I can go to vacation with her. To my expectations, the trip really didn't ended up well and there were a lot of changes and last minute notices. What ever. I couldn't care less now really. I am beyond the point of pissed off and i feel like I don't even want to go on this trip le. Seriously, what the fucking hell. You're lazy and you  don't want to drive? Then get the fuck off the trip. I guess I am the outsider of this trip so I have to get the fuck off don't I? But all I care about is her. I even made plans to go see my friends after the trip. Now it's impossible. OH MY GOD. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I EVER FELT SO PISSED AT SOMETHING THAT CAN LAST FOR MORE THAN 10 MINUTES. I AM STILL PISSED. FUCK.ANYTHING LA. ANYTHING LA.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Once in a Blue Moon

Well, I know I rarely come to my blog and write on my blog now. I recently just remembered that i still had a blog haha. x)
I just want to rant a little here since i can't really do it in social media sites because people would see it easily and well it wouldn't be that good for my friends to see it. I realise that when i talk, I like to sugar coat things. I feel that it makes life easier and most importantly, it keeps trouble away. When you speak out what you want to say to the public, not everyone accepts your comment; not everyone likes what you say; not everyone agrees to what you agree to.
I just want to tell a particular friend that, being straightforward is not a bad thing at all actually. Yeah it really isn't. But sometimes people will get frustrated and that's when you have to shut your mouth and just go with the flow. I know, I am a passive person. I don't like troubles and i sincerely hope that my life will go on like that with no impact at all. At least that's what I was thinking for like the past 17 years of my life.
Upon entering college, something changed. Something inside of me wants the something to happen. Being the boring old me is not going to make the world a better place. Heck. It wouldn't even make MY world a happy place. It will just be boring and dull. Having a cheerful and delightful girlfriend has always been a privilege for me since last year. I can feel my boring, "otaku-ish" life being turned into a colourful and bright life. I really owe a whole lot to my girlfriend.
I really really need to get my back up straight and start working hard towards a goal. Many people say goals are what that drives people. They make people do stuffs when they're tired and they make people want to continue doing it. So firstly i should have a goal right? But before that. I took a glimpse at my old post and it was something about my new years resolution. HMMM. Nope. I did not fulfil the requirements of my new years resolution. Oh damn i feel so frustrated about myself. Laziness and the feeling of want to do NOTHING always overcomes me and i often find myself immerse in gaming, otherwise in anime series. But i really have to get to study now. I just hope after I wrote all this, it could motivate me in studying more for my upcoming future, United States eh? it's a distance for me and it really really feels like it will be hard for me to reach it but nevertheless i will still strive to be a better man. Peace out.