Monday, 30 December 2013

New Year's Resolutions :)

Wow, it's been a year since i wrote here. A lot of stuffs happened this year and I am glad that mostly are happy stuffs :) I should say that the most enjoying and happiest thing that happened is that I was able to have Hui Hui as my girlfriend. I can say that we've never had fights before but I did made her disappointed once. Let me tell you that it's not a very good feeling to feel. Lets see, I gave up alot of things this year, also learned alot of things this year. I received alot of things this year, gave out alot of things this year. What are the things I gave up on? I think it would be having to go to anime festivals and stuffs. Don't be discouraged, it doesn't mean I gave up on anime. I still love anime. Well, I wouldn't be like "Anime's my life, my everything" but rather "Anime is not everything there is in life right?" I learned that I was a very otaku person. I mean, look at my previous post. But is it true that you have to like cars and love to watch football to be a real guy? Everyday, alot of people passed by me and I wondered the same question over and over again. Am i normal?

Why before new year only happened this kind of stuff. Haih. 

I was mostly indulged in playing dota 2 for this year. Yeah.. Too much haha. Oh I made wonderful friends at college and I guess it was a nice thing :) 

In respect to studying and stuffs, I have a feeling I'm finally on the track at being a computer engineer. Although I am still not sure what degree I'm going for but I'll figure it out in the next sem or so. Mostly maybe security or just plain software engineer. 

Hmmm.. Lets start with my new years resolution then hehe. Its 30th December now and 1 more day it'll be a new year. My first and foremost resolution is to be a great boyfriend for Hui Hui. I noticed that I'm a bad boyfriend. I'm slow, inconsiderate, silenced and boring. You know what, I am a really unsure guy. I don't know if this is good or this is bad. I honestly thought that I'm a nice guy you know? But it all came down to how bad i am, how inconsiderate i am, how boring i am. Okay, enough chatter. My resolution is involved in getting me to be a good boyfriend so no matter what happens, don't be discouraged. 

My second resolution is to get really into the IT faction. I have been starting on my HTML and when i knew that hui hui knew more about html than i did it really struck into me. " What have you been learning?". So my other new years resolutions would be to study very hard. Haha. Study doesn't work on me, I should say that research on C, Java, Html stuffs more. 

I guess two is enough for my first year. To be honest, this is my first year having a resolution. I want to be a better man after this two days. I hope I can really make it. If you ever lose your way, come and read what you wrote. haha. I think that's enough. Time to get started on my assignment. Not a second to lose right? hehe. Happy New Year everyone :)